Sunday, 30 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)ㄹ래요 -

This particle means 'will' or 'purpose to'. and this particle is used for verbs only.
there are 3 types of this particle:
  • -을래요
           it is used for root verb which ends by consonant.

Example:  읽다                      읽을래요          =  i will read
  • -ㄹ래요
           it's used for root verb which ends by vowel.  

Example:  자다                →       잘래요            =  i will sleep
  • -래요
           it's used for root verb which ends with 'ㄹ'.

Example:  팔다                →       팔래요              =  i will sell

particle (으)ㄹ래요 can't be used to the third-person subject, but we can do this with another particle, that is (으)ㄹ 거예요 (I'll put the reference link next time when I've made a post about this particle ._.v)
So, if I say this "창민이 사무실에 갈래요", in Korean this statement is wrong grammatically.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Past and Past Perfect Tense -


1. Past Particle (었/았)

this particle is being inserted to the verb of a statement to show that the statement happened in the past. after this inserted particle, we have to add polite form particle (어요/아요) or honour form particle (습니다) (If you want to make a formal sentence) (Read here to understand polite form).~았 is for root word which ends by 아 or 오, while ~었 is for root word which ends by another vowels and consonants.

Example:  -  보다          =  see
                  -  봐요          =  see (present form)
                  -  봤어요      =  saw (polite form)
                  -  봤습니다  =  saw (honour form)
                  -  가다          =  go
                  -  가요          =  go (present form)
                  -  갔어요      =  went (polite form)
                  -  갔습니다  =  went (honour form)

Past form in Korean doesn't only show something that happened in the past, but also shows whether something has done or not.

Example:  -  밥을 먹었어요  =  I've eaten
                  -  미국에 어요  =  i went to America
                  -  집에 어요      =  i arrived at home (i'm still in the house)

2. Past Perfect particle (었었/았었)

~았었 is for root word which ends by 아 and 오, while ~었었 is for root word which ends by another vowels and consonants.

Example:  -  봤었어요  =  seen
                  -  갔었어요  =  gone
                  -  먹었었어요  =  ate
This particle is used to show that the past is irrelevant for the present anymore and to show that the past is really over or really has done.

Example:  -  집에 왔었어요        =  i had arrived at home (i'm not in the house anymore)
                  -  숙제 다 했었어요  =  i had finished my homework assignments
                  -  집에 왔었는데 사장님이 연락했으니까 회사에 다시 어요  =  I had gone to home but because the boss called, I went to the office again

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 만 and 도 -

my last posts already discussed about special particles (은/는) and form particles (이/가, 을/를, 에/에서, 의, 와/과, (으)로, (이)랑, 하고, 한테, 에게서,께, 한테서 and 에게서).
but do you know what are the differences between these particles? the first difference is the usefulness of the particles. form particles are to declare the role of the noun that be paired of, while the usefulness of special particles are to add the special meaning like 'also', 'even' and 'only' or to declare whether the noun that be paired of is the topic of the statement or not.

The 2nd difference is the position of the particles. Form particles can only appear after the nouns (subject, object, indirect object, etc), While special particles can appear in the place where particles form appear and in the adverbs such as 빨리(fast) and 싸게 (cheap).

Example:  -  FTISLAND 한국에 있어요   =  FTISLAND are in Korea
                  -  FTISLAND 한국에 있어요   =  FTISLAND are in Korea
                  -  재진이 노래를 불러요              =  Jaejin is singing a song
                  -  재진이 노래 불러요              =  Jaejin is singing a song
                  -  그 식당이 음식을 빨리 줘요= That restaurant serves food quickly

dizzy huh? well well.. let',s just continue to our main lesson!  kkk

1. Special Particle 만
This particle adds a meaning of a statement with 'only' in the nouns that be paired of. This particle appear in place where 이/가 or 을/를 appear as a replacement word. And can also appear in place where particles form appear to give an additional meaning.

Example:  -  만환이 영어를 공부해요  =  Minhwan learns English
                  -  민환 영어를 공부해요  =  There's only Minhwan who learns English 
                  -  민한이 영어 공부해요  =  Minhwan only learns English
                  -  승현이 월요일에만 금요일까지 학교에 가요 =  Seunghyun goes to school only on Monday till Friday
                  -  승현이 월요일에 금요일까지 학교에 가요  =  On Monday till Friday, Seunghyun only goes to school
                  -  빨리 오세요!  =  Come here quickly!
                  -  빨리 오세요!  =  Just come here quickly!

2. Special Particle 도

This particle adds meaning of a statement by 'also', 'along with' and 'even' in the nouns that be paired of. This particle appear in the places like 만.

Example:  -  민환 영어를 공부해요  =  Minhwan also learns English
                  -  민환 영어 공부해요  =  Minhwan even learns English
                  -  승현이 토요일에도 학교에 가요  =  Seunghyun also goes to school in Saturday
                  -  승현이 토요일에 학교에도 가요  =  Seunghyun even goes to school in Saturday
                  -  음식도 많은  있어요  =  There's plenty of food too

Let's Learn Korean - Topic and Subject Particle (은/는, 이/가) -

그대만 바라보 부담스럽다고 느낀다면 이제 그만 떠날게..

1. Particle 은/는

This particle is the mark of topic of a statement. Particle 은 is for root word which ends by vowel, while 는 is for the consonant.

Example:  -  송승현 한국 사람이에요. FTISLAND의 기타리스트에요. 20살이에요.
Song Seung Hyun is a Korean. He's FTISLAND's guitarist. He's 20 years old.

In the second and third statements, there are no 송승현 again, because they're still talking about him. So, if there's any more than 1 은/는 in a paragraph, it means it changes the topic or it compares the 1st statement with the other statement that's using 은/는.

Example: - 이홍기 한국 사람이에요, 저스틴 미국 사람이에요.
Lee Hong Ki is Korean, but Justin is American.

Be careful not to misused this particle with noun describer particle ^^

2. Particle 이/가

이/가 is the subject particle of a statement. Although 은/는 is topic particle, but it can be used to replace the subject particle position of a statement.

Example: - 윤호 동방신기의 메인 댄서예요 = Yunho is the main dancer of TVXQ!
- 윤호 동방신기의 메인 댄서예요 = Yunho is the main dancer of TVXQ!

In asking a question, usually it uses subject particle for question, and the answer uses topic particle.

Example: - 이름 뭐예요? = What's your name?
- 제 이름 보미예요 = My name is Bomi

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 의, 와/과, (이)랑, 하고, 에(다가) and (이)며 -


1.  의

마법 성을 지나 늪을 건너..
어둠 동굴속 멀리 그대가 보여..
이제 나 손을 잡아보아요..
우리 몸이 떠오르는 것을 느끼죠..

This particle shows the relation between 2 nouns. The first noun usually is the owner, and the second is the object that she/he owns. Or in the easy way, in English 의 is ....'s. 의 can't be used if the object isn't put after the name of the owner.

Example:  -  그 기타는 종훈예요  =  That is Jonghoon's guitar
                  -  그 기타는 종훈 이예요  =  That is Jonghoon's guitar

Although they have same meaning, but the 1st example is incorrect, because the 의 isn't being followed by the object since the object is being a topic (see that 기타 is followed by topic particle, 는) (read here to understand about topic particle). To make it a correct statement,  것 which means 'thing' must be added after 의.

There are 3 forms in Korean to show that someone owns something, they're both in formal and informal form.

  1. 좋훈의 기타  =  Jonghoon's guitar
  2. 종훈 기타  =  Jonghoon's guitar
  3. 종훈 것  =  Jonghoon's thing

- Why the first example is correct while it's using 의 after the owner? -

Because 기타 in the first example is an object, while the previous example is a topic. Read the explanation again if you haven't understood ^^.

anyway, in here i told u about 내 and 제, and do u know that these 2 pronouns are made of pronoun+의? 내 is made of 나+의 and 제 is made of 저+의? :)

2. 와/과, (이)랑, 하고, 에(다가) and (이)며

These particles mean 'and'. 

1st, imma tell you about 와/과. 와 is used for the root word which ends by vowel, and 과 is used for  consonant. These particles are formal form..

하얗게 흐려진 그림 지워진듯한 내 향기가..
Example:  -  재진 승현이 미국에 있습니다  =  Jaejin and Seunghyun are in America
                  -  윤호  창민이 일본에 가요          =  Yunho and Changmin go to Japan

2nd is (이)랑. This particle is informal form.이랑 is used for root word which ends by consonant, and 랑 is for vowel.

Example:  -  너 나 지금 헤어지다!  =  we break up now!
                  -  재진이랑 수영은 귀여운 커플이에요  =  Jaejin and Sooyoung are a cute couple

3rd is 하고. This particle is more informal than 와/과, but more formal than (이)랑.

난 그대가 훅-하고 내 곁에서 날아가 버릴까..
단 하루도 휴-하고 쉴 수조차 없었단 말야..

Example:  -  홍기가 주스하고 커피를 주문 했어요  =  Hongki ordered juice and coffee

4th is 에(다가). The useful of this particle is to connect 2 nouns with the same characteristics.

Example:  -  친구 친척 손님들이 많았습니다  =  We've so many friends, cousins and guests
                  -  하나에다가 둘을  더하면 셋이에요  =  1 plus 2 is 3

5th is (이)며. The useful of this particle is to calculate 2 or more words that have same characteristics. Root word which ends by vowel uses 며, and uses 이며 for consonant.

Example:  -  밤이 낮이 편안할 날이 없어  =  I never feel peace in the night nor in the day
                -  고기 생선이 가리지 않고 잘 먹어요  =  He eats everything, both the meat and fish

Monday, 24 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)로 -

네가 떠난 그 모습 그대 머물러 있을거야
더 이상 거짓으로 나를 위로하고 싶진 않아
처음으로 사랑을 알았어 다시 널 찾을 꺼야.....

This particle is used for showing the tool/thing that's being used, direction, choice, changing in status and reason. 으로 is used for root word which ends by consonant, and 로 is for vowel.

  • Tool/Thing
       This particle shows the noun that's being used.
        Example:  -  집에 자전거 가요  =  I'm going to home by bicycle
                          -  홍기가 팬으로 사인해요 =  Hongki is signing with pen

  • Direction
        In the prior post, i've explained the usefulness of 에. 에 and (으)로 have similarity, that's both can be used for telling place. but the difference is, 에 is used for telling the location, and (으)로 is for telling the direction.

         Example:  -  커피숍 으로 와요  =  Coming to the coffee shop side
                           -  오른쪽으로 산책해요  =  I'm walking to the right side

  • Choice
        In this case, (으)로 is used for showing a choice from some options that available.
        Example:  -  무슨 신발 드릴까요?  =  What shoes shall I give to you?
                          -  나이키 주세요  =  Nike, please

  • Changing Status
          Example:  -  종훈이 FTISLAND의 리더 선출됐다  =  Jonghoon has been elected as the leader of FTISLAND
          note: in this example Jonghoon was an ordinary member before, then he's chosen as the leader, so the status is changed.

  • Reason
          Example:  - 푸리푸리디드라마를 좋아하 소설이 정말 좋아요  =  I like drama PuriPuriD because the story is good

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 을/를 -

Particle 을/를

this particle is used to sign that the word that's be paired is the object of the statement. 을 is used for root word which ends by consonant. while 를 is for vowel.

Example:  -   라디오 들어요  =  I'm listening to the radio
                  -   책 읽어요          =  I'm reading the book

This particle can also be used to change nouns to be verbs by pairing it up with 을/를하다.

Example:  -  미나리가 코피를 해요  =  Minari drinks coffee
                  -  집이 청소를 해요           =  I'm cleaning the house

Coffee and clean are nouns, but 를 makes them to be verbs. 

Monday, 17 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Possession Particle (에게, 께, 한테서, 에게서) -

1. 에게

이미 내 목숨을 너에게 건네버린 난..
모든 의미를 너에게 맞춰버린 난..

this particle has the same meaning and usefulness with 한테. the only thing that makes them different is this particle is used for formal statement and usually to be used in written communication.

Example:  이 선물을 재진 오빠에게 드리겠습니다 = i'll give this present to Jaejin oppa

드리겠습니다 (습니다) is one of the sign that this statement is in formal form. that's why, we have to use 에게 instead of 한테.

2. 께

아픔은 없죠 이젠 그댈 나 지킬 for you..

this particle is one level higher than 에게 although the meaning and the usefulness is the same. this particle is usually used to the very formal conversation. when the object is someone that you honour of. 

Example:  -  미나리가 양승호님 케이크를 드렸습니다 = Minari gave the cake to Mr. Yang Seung Ho

3. 한테서, 에게서

그리워하겠죠 단 하루 한 순간도 나에게서 너무도 멀어진 너 ..

both of these particles mean 'from'. 한테서 is informal form, while 에게서 is formal form.

Example:  - 윤호 오빠한테서 고맙지를 받어요 = I got a thank you from Yunho oppa

                  - 아버지에게서 전화를 기다립니다 = I'm waiting a call from my father

see that the second example is in formal form cause it's using honour form (읍)니다 --- 기다립니다

Let's Learn Korean - Possession Particle (한테)


this particle means 'to' or 'for'.

Example:  -  친구한테 선물을 줬어요  =  I gave a present to a friend
                  -  종훈한테 홍기가 노래를 불러요 = Hongki sings for Jonghoon
                  -  누나한테 이야기해요  =  I'm talking to my sister

-  What's the difference between 한테 and ? -

한테 is used for animate things, while 에 is used for inanimate things.

Example:  집에 전화해요 =  i make a phone call to home
                  종훈한테 홍기가 노래를 불러요 = Hongki sings for Jonghoon

from the first example you can see that home (집) is a place (inanimate thing), while 종훈 is a person (animate thing).

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Possession Particles (에서, 에)

1.  에서

this particle is used for telling the place where the conversation happens and the place that you're talking about.

Example:  재진이 교실에서 수학을 가르쳐요 = Jaejin teaches math in the classroom

look at 에서 behind 교실. it's added by 에서 because it's the place where the action (teach) happens.

aside from that, this particle also means 'from'..

Example:  -  학교에서 승현의 집까지 실행해요 = i'm running from school to Seunghyun's house

2.  에

 This particle is used for telling..

a.  Place

Example:  -  보로부두르 사원이 인도네시아 있어요  =  Borobudur Temple is in Indonesia
                   -  책을 가방 놓아요  =  I put the book in the bag
                   -  켄켄이 대학교 있어요  =  Kenken is in campus

b.  Target

This particle is  used to show the target which want to be aimed, it's either inanimate objects or place.

Example:  -  다음 주 창민을 만날게요  =   I will meet Changmin next week
                   -  우체국 편지를 부쳐 주세요  =  Please send the letter to the post office
                   - 전화앴어요  =  I've made a phone call to my house

c.  Time

Example:  -  오전 5시 이러나요  =  I get up at 5 a.m.
                  -   10월 15일 만납시다!  =  Let's meet on October 15!
                  -   오후 바빠요  =  I'm busy during the day

Although this particle can be used to show the time, but some adverbial of time, such as 내일, 어제and 오늘 can't be paired with this particle. So, 오늘 만납시다 is incorrect.

d.  Each/every

Example:  -  하루 몇 시간 공부해요?  =  How many hours do you study every day?
                  -   팬미팅에서 윤호는 사진 사인해요  =  Yunho signs every photo in the fan meeting
                  -  한 상자 얼마예요  =  How much is it for each box?

So, what's the difference between these 2 particles?
the difference among them is 에 is used for showing the location of something and the direction or place that you want to aim. while 에서 shows the place where the action happens/happened.

Example:  -  학교 가요 = I'm going to school
                 -   승현과 홍기가 식당에서 이야기해요 = Seunghyun is talking to Hongki in the

have you noticed the different? in the first example 학교 is the place that you want to aim. and in the second example 식당 is the active place where the action (이야기해요) is happening.

다음 게시물에 만납시다!! ^^v


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Tutorial how to vote at musicstar

1. Click this link


3. Final step

Tutorial : How To Make Mnet Account

1. Open Mnet page

2. Click 'Join'


4. After you click 'Join in', you need to check your email address. If it's not on inbox, then it must be on spam.

5. Click the email from Mnet



8. Open MAMA page

9. Click 'Sign in'



Thursday, 27 September 2012

Let's Learn Korean - Polite and Intimate Particle -


The Level of Politeness

There are some levels of Politeness in Korean that be used at the end of every word in a statement. But we're just gonna discuss two of them that's usually being used.

a. Polite (아요/어요)

Example:  -  마시다 =       마시+어요= 마셔요
                  -  찾다      =      찾다+아요= 찾아요

So, when a word ends by vowel, add "어요" and if it ends by consonant, then add "아요" into the last word. There are some words that break this rules, but i'll explain it in the next posts.

Example:  -  코피를 마시다 = drink coffee
                   -Declarative:      코피를 마셔요
                   -Interrogative:   코피를 마셔요?
                   -Imperative:       코피를 마셔요!
                   -Exclamatory:    코피를 마셔요

confuse? Korean makes the meaning of the sentences different in this form by the intonation when speaking.

b. Intimate (아/어)

Example:  -  보다  =  봐 
                   -  TV를 봐 = i'm watching TV
                   -Declarative:    TV를 봐
                   -Interrogative: TV를 봐?
                   -Imperative:     TV를 봐!
                   -Exclamatory:  TV를 봐

화이팅!! ^^