1. Particle (으)면
This particle means 'if' or 'at'. (으)면 is used for root word which ends by consonant, while 면 is for root word which ends by vowel.
Example: - 내일 학교에 가면 나랑 같이 가요 = If you go to school tomorrow, let's go together
- 그 차를 팔고싶으면 나한테 연락해요 = Please contact me if you wanna sell that car
When this particle be paired with copula 이다, it changes into (이)면/(이)라면 for noun which ends by consonant, while 면/라면 for noun which ends by vowel. (read about copulas here)
Example: - 수학이면 가르치지 못해요 = I can't teach you if it's math
- 수학이라면 가르치지 못해요 = I can't teach you if it's math
- 우유면 마실 거예요 = I'll drink this if it's milk
- 우유라면 마실 거예요 = I'll drink this if it's milk
And when (이)면 or (이)라면 appears after adverbial time, the particle means 'at'.
Example: - 5시 30분이면 학교에 갈래요 = I'll be going to school at 5.30
- 한 학기면 졸업하겠어요 = I'll graduate in one semester
2. Particle (으)면 하다/좋겠다
Particle (으)면 하다 means 'please do it/please be it', while (으)면 좋겠다 means 'it'll be great". So, these particles show the hopes or wishes of the speaker.
Example: - 이번 월에 비가 많이 오면 해요 = I wish rain will come more often this month
- 내년에 TOHOSHINKI의 콘서트를 보면 좋겠어요 = I wish I could watch TOHOSHINKI's concert next year
When you add past tense particle, it'll make the hope/wish more explicit.
Example: - 한국에 빨리 가야 됐으면 좋겠어요 = It'll be great if i can go to South Korea soon
- 동방신기를 만나야 됐으면 좋겠어요 = I wish I could meet TVXQ!
whoa oh.. Baby 나라면 좋겠어 그러면 좋겠어
Lonely lonely oh 사랑해줘
더 이상은 혼자이긴 싫은데
Oh oh oh I love you...
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