Thursday, 21 February 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)니까 -

The meaning of using this particle is 'because'. yup, it has the same meaning and usefulness with 아서/어서. 으니까 is a closing particle which be used for the predicate that ends by consonant and 니까 is for the predicate that ends by vowel.

Example:  -  사다   ---->  사니까
                  -  쓰다  ----->  쓰니까
                  -  벗다  ----->  벗으나까
                  -  이다  ----->  이니까
                  -  아니다  ---->  아니까

Although i said this particle is same with 아서/어서, but actually there are any 3 differences between them. And they are:

  1. It gives more specific reason
  2. It can be used for all kind of statements while 아서/어서 is only for declarative and interrogative sentences
  3. It changes the tenses

Example:  -  우유가 뜨거워 천천히 마십나다  =  Because the milk is hot, i drink it slowly
                  -  우유가 뜨거워 천천히 마십니까?  =  Do you drink the milk slowly because it's hot?
                  -  우유가 뜨거우니까 천천히 마십니다  =  Because the milk is hot, i drink it slowly
                  -  우유가 뜨거우니까 천천히 마십니까?  =  Do you drink the milk slowly because it's hot?
                  -  우유가 뜨거워 천천히 마십시오  =  Because the milk is hot, drink it slowly (X)
                  -  우유가 뜨거워 천천히 마십시다  =  Because the milk is so hot, let's drink it slowly (X)
                  -  우유가 뜨거우니까 천천히 마십시오  =  Because the milk is hot, drink it slowly
                  -  우우가 뜨거우니까 천천히 마십시다  =   Because the milk is so hot, let's drink it slowly

confuse? kkk
The examples that i give (X) signs are the incorrect examples. why? because they're imperative and exclamatory sentences, and 아서/어서  can only be used for declarative and interrogative sentences.

Aside from that, this particle also acts as the sign of temporariness, such as 'while', 'when' or 'during'. And the subject is always first person singular  or third person singular.

Example:  -  집에 가니까 창민의 편지가 있었습니다  =  When i came back home, there was a letter from Changmin
                  -  이 야글 먹으니까 감기가 낫더군요  =  When i consume this medicine, my flu recovered

난 사월 생이니까 내가 오빠네?

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 어서/아서 -

요즘 내 제일 좋아하는 노래라서 꼭 들려 주고싶어는데..

This particle is the conjunction of clauses in sentence. It shows causal relationship between actions or conditions. The meaning of it is 'so', 'because', 'and then' and 'after that'. 아서 is for root word which ends by 오 or 아, while 어서 is for root word which ends by another vowels and consonants.

Example:  -   그 사람을 너무 화나 제가 안 만나고 싶어요  =  Because I'm so angry with him, i don't wanna meet him 
                  -  나는 자 엄마를 도움지 않았어요  =  Because i was sleeping, i didn't help mum
                  -  어제 셰릴 같이 놀어서 숙제를 했어요  =  Yesterday i played with Cheryl then did my homework
There are any 2 restrictions of using this particle. 1st, the tense doesn't change. Now take a look to the 2nd example. 자 doesn't change into 잤어. The tense is only showed in the predicate of the second clause, 않았어요. 2nd, when this particle is used to declare the causal relationship, it can't be used for command and suggestion sentence.

Example:  -  우리는 시간이 있어 동물원에 갑시다!  = Let's go to the zoo since we have the time!
                  -  시간이 있어서 동물원에 가요  =  I go to the zoo since i have the time

The 1st example is incorrect because it doesn't obey the 2nd rule of using this particle. But the second example is correct because it's not a suggestion nor command sentence.

The combination between 어서/아서 and copulas will make different form. With 이다, the positive copula is (이)라서/이어서 and the negative is 아니라서/아니어서. (이)라서 and 아니라서 are commonly used by people.

Example:  -  저는 동방신기의 팬이라서  =  Because I'm a fan of TVXQ!
                  -  저는 동방신기의 팬이어서  =  Because I'm a fan of TVXQ!
                  -  저는 동방신기의 팬이 아니라서  =  Because I'm not a fan of TVXQ!
                  -  저는 동방신기의 팬이 아니어서  =  Because I'm not a fan of TVXQ!

Monday, 4 February 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 밖에, 깨나, 보고, 뿐 and 커녕 -

Just one, 너인걸.. 내 삶의 한번일 그 사랑 바로 그대밖에 없다고...

1. Particle 밖에

This particle means 'only' or 'there's nothing else'. 

Example:  -  제가 주스밖에 안 마셔요  =  I only drink juice/ I don't drink anything but juice
                  -  창민은 영어를 조금밖에  못 해요  =  Changmin can speak English only a little bit

Although 밖에 has the same meaning with , but 밖에 always shows negative statements, that's why it's always being followed with negative particles, such as 못하다, 없다 or 아니다.

2. Particle 깨나

This particle means 'enough' or 'pretty ... (bad, good, etc.)'.

Example:  -  그 사람은 고집깨나 세요  =  That person looks pretty stubborn
                  -  제가 아그네스처럼 열심깨나 일하세요  =  I work as enthusiast as Agnes

3. Particle 보고

This particle has the same meaning with -에게 and usually follows by verbs like 말하다 (say), 몯다 (ask), 웃다 (smile), etc. The meanings itself is 'tell' 'ask to' and 'show to'.

Example:  -  누구보고 바보라고 해요?  =  Tell me who do you call fool?
                  -  누구에게 바보라고 해요?  =  To whom do you call fool?

4. Particle 뿐

This particle means 'only'. This particle is used to show that there's nothing else except what the speaker says. It's used to tell that the speaker chooses only one thing and put aside the others.

Example:  -  그들 아니라 나도 기뻐했어요  =  Not only them, I was happy as well
                  -  내가 좋아하는 아이들은 동방신가입니다  =  TVXQ! are the only idol that I like

- What's the difference between this particle and 밖에 -

In this particle, we don't need to add negative particles or 없다, while in 밖에 it's a must.

Example: -  그대밖에 없다  =  Only you (There's none else but you)
                 -  그대이야  =  Only you
                 -  그들 아니라 나도 기뻐했어요  =  Not only them, I was happy as well
                 -   그들밖에 아니라 나도 기뻐했어요  =  Not only them, I was happy as well

From number 1 and 2 examples, we can see that 뿐 needs copula to make it to be the ending of the sentence, while 밖에 doesn't need it. And from number 3 and 4 examples, we can see that 뿐 is paired with 아니 (negative particle) because the sentence has 'not' meaning. Like what I said, the meaning of 밖에 is 'only' and 'there's nothing else', while 뿐 is 'only', so 뿐  needs negative particle if the sentence has negative meaning.

5. Particle 커녕

The meanings of this particle are 'far from' or 'moreover'. This particle shows 2 negative conditions which the real condition is worse than the clause.

Example:  -  애인은 커녕 변변한 친구 하나 없어요  =  I even don't have friend, let alone girlfriend
                   -  만나는 커녕 그에게 말해도 못 했어요  =   I even didn't meet him, let alone talked to him


Let's Learn Korean - Particle 보다, 만큼, 마다, 마저, 조차 and 까지 -


1. Particle 보다

나에겐 누구보다 아름다워..

This particle is used for making comparison sentence. So, the words that be paired of will have meaning 'more than' or 'better than' etc.

Example:  -  제가 록보다 팝을 좋아요  =  I like rock than pop
                  -  학교까지 린다의 집에서 저보다 덜 멀어요 =  The distance between my house to school is farther than Linda's

2. Particle 만큼

견딜 수 없을만큼 힘든 하루였나요?..

This particle means 'as much' or 'reach'.

Example:  -  이 영화가 그 영화만큼 재미있어요  =  This movie is as fascinating as that movie
                  -  우리 언니만큼 예뻐요  =  I'm as pretty as my sister
                  -  기대만큼 점수가 나왔어요  =  The result of the score is the same as my expectation

So the difference between these 2 particles are 보다 shows comparison with different degree, but 만큼 shows comparison with the same degree.

3. Particle 마다



This particle means 'each' or 'every'.

Example:  -  누나와 나 달마다 만나요  =  My sister and I meet every month
                  -  교사님마다 방이 있어요  =  Each of teacher have room

4. Particle 마저 and 조차

이름조차 알기 전에 반해버린...

그 모습마저 그리워지는...

This particle means 'even'. 

Example:  -  엄마마저 그 것을 아직도 믿지 못 해요  =  Even mum still can't believe it
                  -  그 사람은 알파벳조차 읽지 못 해요  =  That person can't even read the alphabet

5. Particle 까지


턱 밑까지 치밀어 이미 멈출 수 없던...

아침에 눈뜨고 잠들 때까지...

This particle means 'toward', 'till', 'reach' or 'as far' and means 'even' when it's used for nouns non place and non time.

Example:  -  집까지 너무 멀어요  =  It's so far to reach the house
                  -  아침 5시까지 못 잤어요  =  I can't sleep till 5 am
                  -  데니의 여친까지 만났어요  =  I even met Deni's girlfriend

although 마저 and 조차 have the same meaning with 까지, but 마저 and 조차 show bad meaning of a sentence or something that's not expected to happen. So, 데니의 여친마저 만났어요 means Danny doesn't want me to meet his girlfriend, but i still do that, while  데니의 여친까지 만났어요 means Danny wants me to meet his girlfriend.

화이팅!! ^^