Thursday 28 March 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Purpose Particles -

The particles are called purpose conjunction because they're used for connecting 2 or more clauses and to add additional meaning, such as consecuted actions, contrariness or adverse actions, comparator actions and coincide actions.

1. Particle (으)러

The meaning of this particle is 'to'. 으러 is used for root word which ends by consonant, while 러 is used for root word which ends by vowel. There are some conditions of using this particles, which are they can only be used for verbs, the subjects of main clause and relative clause must be same and there's no changing tense.

Example:  -  A를 받으러 열심히 공부해요    =  I study hard to get A mark
                  -  여친 만나 서울로 또났어요  =  I went to Seoul to meet my girlfriend
                  -  여친 만났으러 서울로 또났어요  =  I went to Seoul to meet my girlfriend (X)
                  -  행복하 음악 들어요                =  I listen to the music to be happy (X)

the 1st example shows that there's no changing tense because both of the clauses are in present. and the 2nd example.. well, there's no changing tense means that the changing tense can only happen in the second clause, so there's no changing tense in verb that will be paired with this particle. See the incorrect examples that i signed with (X). 만났 is the reason why that's incorrect (read this to understand about past and past perfect particle). And the last example, the reason why it becomes an incorrect statement is because 행복 is an adjective. This particle can only be used for verbs, remember? 

2. Particle (으)려고


그녀와 일분을 만나려고 하루를 아낌없이 버리고..

This particle has the same meaning with the previous particle. 으려고 is for root word which ends by consonant, while 려고 is for root word which ends by vowel. Doesn't like the previous particle that can be used for all kind of sentence, this particle can only be used for declarative and interrogative sentences. And another conditions of using this particle is same with the previous particle.

Example:  -  언제 창민을 만나려고 갈 거예요?  =  When will you go to meet Changmin?
                  -  A를 받으려고 열심히 공부해요       =  I study hard to get A mark

3. Particle (으)려고 하다

This particle means 'purpose to', 'will', 'plan to', get ready for', 'try' and 'thinking of'. So, this particle is like future tense, it's used for showing something that will happen in the future. It can also be paired with another clauses, such as (으)면, (은)는데, (으)니까, 다가 and 던.

Example:  -  돈이 있으면 친구들한테 한턱을 내려고 해요  =  If i have money, i'll treat my friends
                  -  울을 내려다가 그만 꾹 웃기로 했지요  =  I was gonna cry, but i decided to hold it back by laughing

4. Particle (으)려거든

This particle is shortened from (으)려거고 하거든. And it indicates that  the previous clause is a purpose, which means the second clause contains the reason why someone has to do the thing that we asked in the first clause. The second clause is usually an order or a suggestion.

Example:  -  잠을 자려거든 불을 끄고 자거라  =  When you're gonna sleep, turn off the light 
                  -  학교 시간에 맞추려거든 아침 일찍 일어나요  =  If you want to be at school on time, you have to get up early

5. Particle 도록


 내가 너 심심하지 않도록 ..

난 떠난다 미치도록 아름다운 그 세상 속으로..

This particle means 'until' or 'so that'. There's no changing tense, but it can be used for all kind of sentence.

Example:  -  감기 안 걸리도록 조심했어요  =  i was being careful so that i didn't get caught by cold
                  -  배가 터지도록 많이 먹었어요  =  i ate a lot till my stomach wants to explode
                  -  앤디가 제니퍼를 죽도록 사랑했어요  =  Andy loved Jeniffer until he died

6. Particle 도록 하다

This particle means 'it's the sign, 'it's time for..'. This composition indicates the acts are in order to reach a condition or situation.

Example:  -  이제부터 열심히 공부하도록 겠습니다  =  I'll try to study hard from now on
                  -  배가 고프면 식사하도록 해요  =  If you're hungry, then it's time for eat
                  -  이 그릇이 깨지지 않게 조심하도록 하겠습니다  =  I'll be careful to assure that this plate won't smash