"뭐 하냐?"
As a Kpoper or Kdrama lover I suppose you must be familiar with these words. But have you ever imagined why these words are formed like this?
Well well.. then let's just go to the business! ^^
1. Declarative
use 는/ㄴ다 for root verb. 는다 is for root verb which ends by consonant, while ㄴ다 is for vowel.
Example : - 가다 → 간다
- 먹다 → 먹는다
- 공부하다 → 공부한다
For adjectives and copulas just use their root form, or in other words, it doesn't need to be added by 는/ㄴ다.
Example : - 행복하다
- 이다
- 아니다
For past form just add the particle of past form, 었다/았다 at the end of the root words.
Example : - 가다 → 갔다
- 이다 → 이었다
- 찾다 → 찾았다
2. Interrogative
왜 내 맘을 몰라 중고아냐?
(note: it's not a cut of a BL drama kkkk)
Add 니/(으)냐 at the end of the root verb, adj and copula.
Example: - 싸우다 → 싸우니? / 싸우냐?
- 좋다 → 좋니? / 좋냐?
- 이다 → 이니? / 이냐 ?
Add 었/았니/(으)냐? at the end of the root words for past form.
Example : - 결혼하다 → 결혼했니? / 결혼했냐?
- 퇴근하다 → 퇴근했니? / 퇴근했냐?
- 잘 지내다 → 잘 지냈니? / 잘 지냈냐?
3. Imperative
Imperative in normal form can only be used for verb.
Add 아라 at the end of root word which ends by 오 or 아 and add 어라 for root word which ends by another vowels.
Example : - 사다 → 사라!
- 기다리다 → 기다리라!
- 씻다 → 싰어라!
4. Exclamatory
Exclamatory in normal form can only be used for root verb.
Add 자 at the end of the root word.
Example : - 가다 → 가자!
- 만나다 → 만나자!
- 보내다 → 보내자!
Example : - 기분이 어때? | 기쁘다 = How do you feel? | I'm happy.
- 밥 먹었냐? = Have you eaten?
- 이 편지를 같이 보내자! = Let's send this letter together!
- 뭐 하냐? 빨리 사과해라! = What are you doing? Quickly apologise!