Friday, 3 April 2015

Let's Learn Korean - Particle ~(으)ㄹ까요? -

This particle is used to ask people's opinion/response or permission of something. You can omit the '요' if you wanna make casual sentence. ~을까요 is used for root word which ends by consonant and ~ㄹ까요 is for root word which ends by vowel.

Example:  - 어떻게 너를 잊을까?  =  How can I forget you?
                   - 잊으려고 애를 써 볼까?  =  Should I try to forget you?
                   - 다시 돌아갈 순 없을까?  =  Is it possible for us to turn back the time? (go back to the past)
                   -  다음 주에 다시 만나도 될까요?  =  Can we meet again next week?
                   -  아침 식사는 무엇을 먹을까요?  =  What should we eat for breakfast? 
                   -  젠니가 일본에 갔을까요?  =  Has Jenny gone to Japan?
It's used to ask alternative question when this particle is used repeatedly.

Example:  -  우리의 관계는 헤어질까? 우리의 관계는 남을까?  =  Should our relationship over or remain?
                   -  일본에 갈까요? 영국에 갈까요?  =  Should we go to Japan or UK?
                   -  너보고 말할까? 너보고 말하지 않을까? Should I tell you this or not?

And when this particle is  paired with another verb, the meaning becomes temporary idea that probably will the speaker do.

Example:  -  나도 한국에 공부할까 해  =  I also think to study in South Korea
                  -  맨디의 집으로 7시에 갈까 생각해요  =  I'm thinking to go to Mandy's house at 7 o'clock
                  -   동방신기의 새 앨범을 살까 해요  =  I'm thinking to buy TVXQ!'s new album

Hwaiting!!! ^^v