Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Making some gifs of FTISLAND's ppuing ppuing
So please enjoy!! kkkk

Start with the magnae who's used to do ppuing ppuing and aegyos 
No matter how old he is, he still looks cute, right? kkk

Being followed with his hyung..
I love his ashamed reaction XD

eiiii.... he's so happy doing this haha

The leader's ppuing ppuing.. i rank this 2nd!

And finally, the best ppuing ppuing!! XD


his curiosity.... haha

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 데(요) -

다른 사랑 내 맘 어디에도 담지 못했어그대 아니면 사랑도 없데요...  
오직 사랑은 기대뿐이래요..

note: don't get mixed up between this particle and Particle 는/(으)ㄴ데요 'kay? ^^

I'm afraid that it'll be a lil difficult, so... an advance present is hereeee!!! kkkkk

Particle 데(요)

This particle is clearly a closing particle. And the meaning itself is "as being known" or "it's been observed that" or "i found that" or "i'm afraid if". It's being used to memorise the past in a statement/conversation or to tell the listener (interlocutor) about something that the speaker knew/the speaker's experience.

Example:  -  새벽장에 나가보니까 말씀대로 창민이 노래를 부르데요  =  I look outside in early morning, and like what you said Changmin's singing (The listener already knew that Changmin likes to sing in early morning)
                  -  오랫만에 땀 흘려 운동을 하고 나니까 좋데  =  It feels really good doing sport until sweaty after such a long time, you know? (The speaker tells about his experience/talks about something that he's just done)
                  -  그대 아니면 사랑도 없데요  =  If it's not you, it's not love too (As you knew that I only love you)

Monday, 29 July 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)ㄹ 줄 알다/모르다 -

This particle is used for showing the specific ability from the subject of the sentence. The meaning itself is "know how to.." for  (으)ㄹ 줄 알다, while "don't know how to.." for  (으)ㄹ 줄 모르다.

Example:  -  음식을 요  몰라요  =  I don't know how to cook
                  -  영어를   알아요  =  I know how to speak english
                  -  한글을 읽  알았어요  =  I knew how to read hangeul

When the speaker of the sentence that contains (으)ㄹ 줄 알았다/몰랐다 is the third-person, the sentence becomes a prejudice from them and the tense is wide.

Example:  -  그때부터 이  알았어요  =  I knew about it since that time
                  -  창민과 빜터리아 데이트 있 알았어요  = I knew that Changmin and Victoria are dating
                  -  오늘 밤은 윤호가 와인을 마  몰랐어요  =  I don't think Yunho will drink whine tonight
                   -  연습을 일찍 끝  알았어요  =  I think the rehearsal will end earlier

Conclusion? Prejudice is only prejudice.. It may be right or wrong kkkkkk

Bonuss!! The cuteness of Jaejinnie XD

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 -


단 한번 만날 수 있다면 그대 날 바라볼 수 있다면... 

Yup! now we're gonna study about the particle that's being used in white lies..
soooo let's go to the business!! ^^

Particle (으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다

This particle is used for showing the abilty or the possibility of doing something. So, the meaning is "can" or "possible" for 을 수 있다 for root word which ends by consonant and ㄹ 수 있다 for vowel, while it's "can't" or "impossible" for 을 수 없다 for root word which ends by consonant and ㄹ 수 없다 for vowel.

Example:  -  단 한번 만  얐다면  =  If i could meet you once again/If it's possible to meet you once again
                  -  그 뉴스를 읽  있어요  =  I can read that news/It's possible for me to read that news
                  -  고기를 먹  없어요  =  I can't eat meat/It's impossible for me to eat meat
                  -  피아노를   없어요  =  I can't play the piano/It's impossible for me to play the piano

 So, this particle has the same meaning and usefulness with 되 and 못? yes, it is! (read about 못 here)

When this particle is being paired with adjectives, it shows the possibility of situation or condition that will happen in the future. And it can also be paired with 도 "also", 만 "only" and 밖에 "there's nothing except this" after 수 to give additional meaning (read about this particles in here and here). But when it's be paired with 밖에, the meaning of the new particle will become "there's no other way/I can't not to..."

Example:  -  내일의 날씨가 좋  있어요  =  Perhaps the weather will be nice tomorrow
                  -  내일의 날씨가 더울 수도 없어요  =  Perhaps the weather won't be hot again tomorrow
                  -  영국에서  수만 있으면 좋겠어요  =  It'll be great if only i could live in England
                  -  고기를 먹 수밖에 없어요  =  I can only eat meat (I can't not to eat meat)
                  -  제 차를  수밖에 없어요  =  I can only sell my car (There's no other way except to sell my car/I can't not to sell my car)

Why is it only any example of 수 밖에 없다? where's the example of 수밖에 있다? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You can find the answer at my post about 밖에 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let's Learn Korean - Particle 는/(으)ㄴ데, 는/(으)ㄴ데요, 는/(으)ㄴ데도 -

난 오늘도 영 못 잠들겠는데  ...

The function of this conjunction is to give background information of the main clause. 는데 is used for root word of verbs. For adj and copula, 은데 is used for root word which ends by consonant, while ㄴ데 is for vowel.

Example:  verb  :  -  가다                는데
                                -  이야기하다  →  이야기하는데
                                -  있다               →  는데
                                -   없다              →  는데
                   adjective and copula
         consonant  :  -  싫다               → 
                                -  좋다               →  은데
         vowel          :  -  행복하다      →  행복한
                                -  이상하다      →  이상한데
         copula        :  -  이다               →  인데
                                -  아니다           →  닌데

1. Particle 는/(으)ㄴ데

Example:  -  날씨가 너무 좋은데 바닷가에 갑시다!  =  Since the weather is so nice, let's go to the beach!
                  -  어제 추웠는데 밖에 사람이 많았어요  =  Although yesterday was cold, but there were so many people outside
                  -  여기는 도서관인데 좀 조용히 해 주세요  =  This is library, so please be quiet
                  -  그 사람은 얼굴이 잘생긴데 왜 안 좋아요?  =  He's handsome, but why you don't like him?

Confuse? does the particle mean 'so' or 'but'? kkkkk
Like i've said earlier of this post, it's being used to give background information of the main clause.
Now take a look at this example to get more understanding..

Example:  -  한국어를 공부하는데 재미있어요  =  I'm studying Korean and it's so interesting

The meaning of this particle can be everything. It depends on the main clause.

2. Particle 는/(으)ㄴ데요

This particle is used as the closing sentence. as you know, the '요' is the sign of polite form (read about polite form here).
In this particle you don't have to tell the main clause.
WHY? cause sometimes you don't wanna or can't tell the reason bcuz it's just too complicated to be told or it's kinda impolite, so the only thing you can do is only saying the point.

Example:  A:  생일파티에 갈 수 있어요?       =  Can you go to the birthday party?
                  B:  아 이번 주는 정말 바쁜데요     =  Ah this week I'm so busy, so.... 

Maybe B's real reason of not going to the party because he thinks his business is more important than the party, but since he thinks it ought to be so impolite of him to say that, so he used this particle to avoid telling the reason.

희본씨, 나 배고픈데...

He only said that he's hungry because he doesn't feel good to ask Heebon to cook for him.

3. Particle 는/(으)ㄴ데도

This particle means 'although'. The using term of 는/(으)ㄴ is the same as 는/(으)ㄴ데.

Example:  -  많은 돈이 있는데도 그 사람이 거만하지 않아요  =  That person isn't arrogant although he's rich
                  -  주말인데도 손님이 별로 없네요  =  Although it's weekend, but there are only a few of visitors
                  -  알고 있는데도 모르는 체 하더라고요  =  He pretends to know nothing even though he knows something

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)ㄹ수록 -

하루의 끝에선 언제나  기다려 줘요 행복해요 이런  사랑할수록... 

 알수록 모르겠어.. 

Today we're gonna learn about particle that's being used in these lyrics, One and She's lyrics, particle ()ㄹ수록
soooo... let's just go to the business!! ^^


Particle ()ㄹ수록 

The meaning of this particle is "the more... the more...". It shows the ongoing increase of act of situation. Particle 을수록 is for root word which ends by consonant, while ㄹ수록 is for root word which ends by vowel.

Example:   -  한국어는 울수록 재미있어요  =  The more I learn Korean, the more it gets interesting
                   -   사람은 날수록 좋은 사람인 같아요  =  The more I meet that person, the more he looks like a good person

And when particle () is being used in a statement which contains ()ㄹ수록, the meaning ain't "if" anymore, it just helps to emphasise the meaning of the statement.

Example:  -  동방신기의 노래 으면 을수록 좋아해요  =  the more i listen to TVXQ's songs, the more i like them
                  -   알수록 모르겠어  =  the more i know, the more i don't understand

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Let's Learn Korean - Particle (으)면, (으)면 하다/좋겠다 -

1. Particle (으)면

This particle means 'if' or 'at'. (으)면 is used for root word which ends by consonant, while 면 is for root word which ends by vowel.

Example:  -  내일 학교에 가 나랑 같이 가요  =  If you go to school tomorrow, let's go together
                  -  그 차를 팔고싶으면 나한테 연락해요  =  Please contact me if you wanna sell that car

When this particle be paired with copula 이다, it changes into (이)면/(이)라면 for noun which ends by consonant, while 면/라면 for noun which ends by vowel. (read about copulas here)

Example:  -  수학이면 가르치지 못해요  =  I can't teach you if it's math
                  -  수학이라면 가르치지 못해요  =  I can't teach you if it's math
                  -  우유 마실 거예요  =  I'll drink this if it's milk
                  -  우유라면 마실 거예요  =  I'll drink this if it's milk
And when (이)면 or (이)라면 appears after adverbial time, the particle means 'at'.

Example:  -  5시 30분이면 학교에 갈래요  =  I'll be going to school at 5.30
                  -  한 학기 졸업하겠어요  =  I'll graduate in one semester

2. Particle (으)면 하다/좋겠다

Particle (으)면 하다 means 'please do it/please be it', while (으)면 좋겠다 means 'it'll be great". So, these particles show the hopes or wishes of the speaker.

Example:  -  이번 월에 비가 많이 오면 해요  =  I wish rain will come more often this month
                   -  내년에 TOHOSHINKI의 콘서트를 보면 좋겠어요  =  I wish I could watch TOHOSHINKI's concert next year

When you add past tense particle, it'll make the hope/wish more explicit.

Example:  -  한국에 빨리 가야 됐으면 좋겠어요  =  It'll be great if i can go to South Korea soon
                   -  동방신기를 만나야 됐으면 좋겠어요  =  I wish I could meet TVXQ!

whoa oh.. Baby 나라면 좋겠어 그러면 좋겠
Lonely lonely oh 사랑해줘
더 이상은 혼자이긴 싫은데
Oh oh oh I love you...